Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bad customer service

I just recieved the worst customer service from the @mango store on Broadway in soho. I purchase the blouse that I was really excited about wearing. When I got home I notice a big tear on the side. 3 day later today I went to the store to return and get my money back, and the store clerk told no because the blouse did not leave the store like that. Guess what @mango associate it did. I've been working retail for many years and I've made many mistakes especially when there's a long line. I've left sensors on, I've forgotten to put an extra item in the bags, ect...  Not only you're calling me a liar as customer without any proof. you're also not following your customer policy on your receipt. @mango you can take you the $40 out of my pocket and produce better quality products and train your associates about customer service,  and your return policies. @mango you just lost me and many others that's reading this as a customer. I new I should of just stick to my @hm but, wanted try @mango out, and I was disappointed #neveragain. #Like and #comment if you're not going to shop @mango stores especially the one in #soho #newyork #banmangostores #disapointedcustomer #badcustomerservice #dontshopatmangostores 
#dontshopatmangoinsoho #poorqualityclothes #fashiondont #badbusimess #fashiongonewrong #illegalbusiness #returnpolicy #dontshop #HandMisabetterstore #customerservice #mangostore #disappointed #disapointedcustomer #mangostoresucks #boycott #boycottmangostores #badsalesassociate

Ismyrne Geffrard,

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